5 Step Framework to Stay updated with AI

Worried about how to upskill in AI?


Follow this 5-step framework to get advanced about AI.

1.Explore Practical Applications in Data Science

Dive into practical Data Science by reading blogs from

-Netflix: https://lnkd.in/guWpVDjD
-Tripadvisor: https://lnkd.in/g5PU-BxS
-Duolingo: https://blog.duolingo.com/
-Meta: https://lnkd.in/gp2CWFeQ
-Spotify: https://lnkd.in/g8p5xbDt

2.Stay Business Savvy with A.I. Newsletters

Subscribe to AI-focused newsletters for daily summaries of industry news, acquisitions, and research trends, like

-TLDR AI Newsletter: https://tldr.tech/

3. Discover Cutting-Edge Papers on GitHub

-DAIR.AI’s GitHub repo: https://lnkd.in/gfCYdrc2

For weekly updates on 10 new machine learning papers, complete with brief summaries and tweets explaining key findings.

4, Learn Visually on YouTube

Subscribe to the following YouTube channels for visual explanations of AI concepts:
-Two Minute Papers: https://lnkd.in/g-Qhq5WG
-StatQuest with Josh Starmer: https://lnkd.in/gy2TPJzd
-3Blue1Brown: https://lnkd.in/grS5nRKU

5. Attend Webinars for Continuous Learning

Engage in free webinars and lunch-and-learns hosted by organizations to stay updated on the latest innovations in Data Science and AI.

Which source will you use first?

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#ai #aiframeworks #datascience #keeplearning #webinars

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