Judged at HackMIT 2023 Hackathon

I had the incredible opportunity to be judge at HackMIT 2023 Hackathon, one of the most prestigious collegiate hackathons hosted annually by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with over 1000+ college students from across the World.

Met with incredibly intelligent young minds, full of potential and passion for innovation.MIT’s reputation as a powerhouse of STEM is far from unmerited. Its diversity, merit-based systems, rigorous engineering curriculum, and an inherent openness set it in a league of its own. HackMIT, in essence, encapsulates the spirit of MIT, when the campus brims over with fervor, innovation, and intensity.

I had the privilege of immersing myself in this dynamic environment once more, not as a participant this time, but as a mentor and a member of the judging panel. Exchanging ideas, guiding engineering decisions, and aiding in debugging was as enriching as it was exciting.

The shift in perspective was refreshing – from being hands-on with coding to fostering the problem-solving mindset in future innovators. Participating in HackMIT, the breeding ground for some of the most intense competition and collaboration, was an honor and an experience to cherish.

Watching them take on complex challenges, working under pressure and delivering innovative solutions was a sight to behold. The energy, the excitement, the perseverance, it was all there in full force.

The experience left me feeling hopeful about the future of technology and innovation.

As we strive to push the boundaries of innovation, how are you contributing to this wave of technological revolution?
Shreekant Mandvikar
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